Specialty Areas:
Corporate Laws, Banking and Finances, Environmental Laws and Natural Resources Exploitation Laws (Oil, Gas, Mining), Occupational Safety and Health, Collective Bargaining. Ethics and Compliance Specialist. Eduardo was a Member of Travieso Evans Arria Rengel& Paz law firm from 1997 up to 2008, when he joined AP&O as founder member.
Spanish and English.
Law Degree from Santa Maria University, Venezuela. Masters Degree in International and Finance Laws and in Comparative Law from Tulane University, New Orleans, USA.Specialization course in Law from Harvard Law School, Boston, USA.Masters Degree in Corporate Management from the Simon Bolivar University.
Certified Leading Auditor in ISO 14000 (BVQI), and ISO 9000 and OSHA 18000 management systems and certified auditor in integrated management systems.
Venezuelan Bar Association. International Law Society.Acknowledged as “Leading Individual – Latin America”, (Environment, Health and Safety and Corporate Law) by Chambers & Partners in the “Guide to World´s Best Lawyers”, and as “Best Lawyer in Venezuela 2015 and 2016” by Best Lawyers International.
Teaching Experience:
Professor of “Natural Resources Legislation” and “Gas Hydrocarbons Legislation” syllabi in postgraduate courses at the Metropolitana University.