He is a lawyer graduated from the Central University of Venezuela, 1965. He attended postgraduate studies at Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, where he specialized in Criminal Law, 1967. In 1973 he completed his specialization studies and research work in Criminal Law at the Universidad Degli Studi Di Roma, as a scholarship holder of the Council of Scientific and Humanistic Development of the U.C.V.
Since 1965 he has been a Professor at the Institute of Criminal and Criminological Sciences of the U.C.V., in the Criminal Law Department. Head of the Criminal and Criminological Sciences Department and Head of the Criminal Law Chair, 1979. Member of the Venezuelan Delegation to the Specialized Conference on Extradition, organized by the OAS, in Caracas 1981. Dean of the Faculty of Legal and Political Sciences, 1984 and re-elected Dean in 1987-1990. Retired Professor, after concluding his teaching and research career, full-time, 1990.
Practicing lawyer and since 1999 he has been a Postgraduate Professor in the Specialization Course in Criminal and Criminological Sciences at the U.C.V.
Speaker or Lecturer in several Seminars, Courses or Conference Cycles. Author of several legal works and opinion articles on legal-criminal matters. He is a member of the Academy of Political and Social Sciences.