Specialty Areas:
Corporate and Trade Laws, Tax Laws, Energy Laws. Ethics and Compliance Specialist. Ample experience in Oil & Gas Joint Venture agreements, Strategic and Commercial Associations. Pedro was a member of Travieso Evans Arria Rengel & Paz law firm from 1998 up to 2008, when he joined AP&O as founder member.
Spanish and English.
Law Degree fromthe Andres Bello Catholic University; Specialization Degree in Tax Law from the Central University of Venezuela; Specialization Degree in Corporate Legal Management from the Institute of Higher Studies in Administration (IESA).
Venezuelan Bar Association, Venezuelan Finance Law Association (ASOVEDEFI), and the International Law Society. Acknowledged as “Best Lawyer in Venezuela 2013, 2014, 2015”(Corporate and M&A Law) by Best Lawyers International.
Teaching Experience:
Professor of the “Legal Tax Framework” syllabus in the postgraduate course “Tax Management for Companies” at the Metropolitana University and of the “Legal Framework” syllabus in Management related postgraduate courses at the same Metropolitana University.
Professor of the “Legal Tax Framework” syllabus in Insurance specialization courses (PRETA) at the Andres Bello Catholic University. Pedro has been Visiting Professor to teach the “Income Tax” syllabus in the postgraduate courses on Business Law at the Andres Bello Catholic University.